Mrs. Rochel Holzkenner

Keynote Speaker & Workshop Leader

988415_10152841586644837_1712529569402130329_n.jpg Rochel is a mother of four children and the co-director of Chabad of Las Olas, FL, serving the community of young professionals. She is a high-school teacher and a freelance writer - and a frequent contributor to She lectures extensively on topics of Kabbalah and feminism, and their application to everyday life. Rochel holds an MS in Brain Research from Nova SE University.



Mrs. Miriam Karp

Workshop Leader

988415_10152841586644837_1712529569402130329_n.jpg Miriam is a writer, artist and teacher. Her essays have appeared on, in Hadassah Magazine, and other publications. Raised in the first Humanistic Temple, Miriams Jewish journey is a fascinating one. Her story is shared in her acclaimed memoir: Painting Zaidys Dream: memoir of a searching soul. She studied at the University of Michigan and Machon Chana Women's Institute, and she received her MA in Creative Jewish Expression from Antioch University Midwest. Miriam lives in Cincinnati with her husband and family.