In order to reach a destination both in mind and body, both must be headed in one direction.
The Jewish nation have always lived Vince Lombardi's famous saying. True we sometimes fall, however we always rise again.
By giving our children a porper upbringing and education, we are living in the future.
In the month when "the king is in the field" and we all get a chance for an audience, this means we are all important.
We are so timy compared to what is going on around us. Can we really make a difference?
What could be so difficult about a Rabbi? Well, according to the rules of supply and demand, The Rabbi is in a hard spot.
In order to change your realtionship with G-d, you have to willing to take a step out of your comfort zone.
Why do we say mazal tov when our dishes fall? What is this supposed to remind of?