As the war continues and needs evolve, ChabadSWB is committed to sending much needed supplies to Israel and giving support to the people who need it most. Please fill out the form below to make your donation and to direct where you would like to see it used.
MISHLOACH MANOT for the soldiers. Purim baskets are $25, mezuzahs are $50. $540 helps sponsor 20 Purim packages for IDF soldiers; $770 helps sponsor 20 Purim packages & 5 Mezuzot for IDF soldiers; and $1000 helps sponsor 20 Purim packages, 5 Mezuzot and a pair of Tefilin for IDF soldiers.
TACTICAL SUPPLIES: We are working with manufacturers and distributors to buy military grade supplies for the soldiers at wholesale prices. We are working with individual units to make sure that they are getting what they specifically need.
MEDICAL SUPPLIES: We are getting medical supplies to the units that request them and are also buying in bulk to send to hospitals.
HUMANITARIAN AID: Whatever is needed for those displaced and injured.
AID TO LOCAL IDF FAMILIES: Support for local families who have an immediate family member currently fighting in the IDF.
All donations are tax deductible.