Dear Friends & Community,
We are proud to join a team of 85 other chapters of Friendship Circles throughout the world and start our very own right here in Southwest Broward servicing the communities of Cooper City, Davie, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, SW Ranches & Weston!!
Rabbi Shimon & Liba Andrusier, founders of Friendship Circle in Albany, New York, recently moved to our community to open our chapter and oversee the activities. For more than 10 years their FC was recognized for its incredible growth, success and impact it had on the community.
What is Friendship Circle?
Through a volunteer initiative, Friendship Circle is a unique organization with a refreshing approach to helping individuals with special needs and their families. FC is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization, whose goal is to provide every individual (child, teen, senior) with special needs, regardless of age, gender, religion or race, the support, friendship and inclusion that they deserve.
Friendship Circle West Broward (FCWB) organizes recreational, social, educational and vocational programming and events for these individuals on a regular basis throughout the year.
FCWB also provides support to individuals and families struggling with isolation, addiction and other family-related crises.
What makes Friendship Circle West Broward (FCWB) Unique
Globally, Friendship Circles usually focus their activities and services for children with special needs. However, due to the large number of 'seniors' living in our community, many of whom are in constant need of assistance, care, counseling and companionship, Friendship Circle WB is also focused on providing them with the elder care and support they so desperately require and deserve.
Southwest Broward is also home to many young and growing families. We have come to discover that unfortunately too many homes are struggling and overwhelmed with the great task of raising children and teens with special needs, whether physical, mental or both. FCWB is committed to reach out to every family in need and support them in anyway we can.
Friends at Home
Through the nationally acclaimed ‘Friends at Home Program’, a network of FCWB volunteers visit Seniors and children with special needs and form special one-on-one relationships. For homebound seniors, volunteers coordinate short outings to assist with shopping, visit a restaurant or help them get out for a breath of fresh air.
Volunteer Enrichment
People Helping People! The great success of Friendship Circle throughout the globe continues to be the work and dedication of the local volunteers in each community. Adults and able teens step up for this incredible cause and take upon themselves to become a Big Brother or Sister to one of the individuals in our community with special needs. We hope you will join the growing number of volunteers. Teen volunteers receive credit towards their ‘community service hours’ requirement.
As much as Friendship Circle assists individuals with special needs, it enriches its vast network of volunteers by enabling them to reap the rewards of selfless giving.
Friendship Circle is founded upon the idea that within each person is a soul; and that soul is equal, deserving and worthy of boundless love. With this inspiration, the lives of the individuals and families we serve are forever enhanced.
Our Success Is Up To You!
Be a part of this amazing new program, as a volunteer for a child, teen or adult with special needs or to visit a home bound senior. Please let us know what you are interested in volunteering for by clicking here YES! I WANT TO VOLUNTEER
• If you have or know an individual with special needs, please email name, age, contact and information to: [email protected]